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International Travel with the History Department

The History Department offers courses with the opportunity for international travel. Berlin, The Dominican Republic, Rome and Japan are a few of the destinations that students will go to as part of their coursework. The Department will offer informational meetings on the course, the semester before so students can find out details before course registration happens.

Details of upcoming trips will be listed below. If you have any questions, please contact the History Department.

From Hitler鈥檚 Bunker to the Heart of the European Union:

Examine Berlin at JCU and in Germany

By Matt Berg

Since the beginning of the 20th century, Berlin has been at the center of German affairs and a vital factor in European developments. In a series of seminar meetings, students will examine German and broader European developments through a focus on a city that experienced no less than five changes of governments in just over 70 years. HS 332, Berlin: From Reich to Republic concentrates on historical developments from the Nazis to divided Cold War Berlin, and historical and political developments in Berlin as the capital of reunified Germany and a major European Union capital. The seminar is cross-listed as PO 351 and co-directed by Prof. Andreas Sobisch. The professors will lead the students who enroll in the seminar on a spring break study tour in Berlin. Consult Professors Berg (mberg@jcu.edu) or Sobisch (sobisch@jcu.edu) concerning travel component costs. Students who enroll in the seminar must participate in the travel component. Permission to enroll slip from instructor required. This seminar carries EGC designation. Prerequisite: EN 125 or equivalent. Meets TR 3:30-4:45 PM.

Informational meetings will be held October 2 and 3 at 5 PM in OC 103. Anyone interested in finding out the details of this course need only to come one of these meetings.

For more information on this course and trip, please click here for the flyer.